Now is the Time to Prepare! Now is time to plan your participation in the 2025 Diocese of Venice (DOV) Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA). This campaign enables each of us to support the good works we do as People of…
We are His and He is ours. Luke 1:4: “So that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received.” In the Gospel of Luke, we find an invitation of reassurance in the Love of God in the…
“Do whatever he tells you.” “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in…
Anchored in Hope What is the basis of our hope? To understand this, let us stop and reflect on “the reasons for our hope” (cf. 1 Pet 3:15). “I believe in life everlasting”. Hope is “that theological virtue by which…
“Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance.” The words from Isaiah about Jerusalem being filled with riches and a beacon to other countries and kings were unbelievable six hundred years before Jesus. The third section…
The first and second readings of this Sunday give the same injunction: Rejoice in the Lord! This doesn’t seem too remarkable unless you know that both the Prophet Zephaniah and the Apostle Paul were addressing people in the midst of…
“May your love increase ever more and more.” (Philippians 1:9) The Immaculate Conception which we celebrate tomorrow is part of this joyful dawning of the new day of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Just as the sun’s light is seen…
“God With Us” (And Yes, It’s a Bit Inconvenient) If you’ve ever scrolled through YouTube, you’ve probably encountered influencers trying to grab your attention with over-the-top headlines: “You WON’T Believe What Happens Next!” or “This CHANGED My Life Forever!” Their…
“We don’t have much reason to think about kings.” The United States was founded on declaring independence from kings, and history as we see it mostly shows the effects of misrule by kings who enriched themselves and expanded their realms…
“You are my inheritance, O Lord.” -Psalm 16:5 Our refrain today looks back to the Levites, the priestly tribe in Israel. When God brought his people into the Promised Land, every tribe had its own portion of the land to…
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