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BulletinsLetters from Father

January 21, 2024 Bulletin & News

By January 18, 2024No Comments

New Church Entry Policies

Starting next week, January 27-28, we will ask all those who are able to enter through the main doors of the Church. If it is a hardship for you to enter through the main doors, the ushers will be on hand to assist you at the side doors before Mass. Please let the ushers know, so they can be ready to assist you.

  1. If you see an usher at the side door, they can open for you.
  2. If you do not see an usher at the side door, it is locked.
  3. You can exit through any door.
  4. All 4 main entrance doors will be unlocked.

Why change?

  • Minimize distraction. When the side doors are opened, or when someone tries to enter during Mass, it is a distraction to those inside. Like folks who live next to a train track, we may not notice the distraction, but it is still there.
  • Minimize frustration. Walking up to the door and discovering that it is locked is frustrating to the person who wants to enter. It also requires many more steps for them to walk around to the main entrance, which remains open.
  • Maintenance. The door closers are costly to maintain and repair. Minimizing the wear and tear on the side doors will make it possible to maintain the good functioning of all the doors in a cost-effective manner.
  • Air Conditioning. The continual opening of the side doors at every Mass puts a greater strain on our air conditioning system. Minimizing their use will help maintain a more comfortable and consistent environment at a lower cost. The narthex of the church is designed for this very purpose.
  • Security. We should not be fearful in our own home, but we should also take reasonable precautions to preserve the safety of everyone who comes to San Pedro. Controlling access to the main body of the church is a generally accepted best practice in this regard.

As we try to implement this new practice, we continue to rely on your feedback to see how it is working. Perhaps a better way to accomplish the various goals stated above might surface.

A fringe benefit of all this is that people seem to be talking with one another about this – compliments, complaints, questions all alike. And talking with someone is much better than talking about someone. So please, keep talking with us, and thank you for your patience and feedback.

-Fr. Tom

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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