“Where do you want us to go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?”
Jesus wants us to take an active part in the Paschal Mystery of our salvation – his passion, death and resurrection. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, he gives detailed instructions to the disciples whom he sends to prepare the place for the Last Supper (Mt 26:17-19; Mk 14:12-16; Lk 22:7-13). Like those disciples, our own sacristans, musicians, altar servers and other liturgical ministers are busy preparing for the solemn liturgies of Holy Week and Easter.
These practical arrangements are not merely external observances. They are concrete ways he invites us to enter into and participate in his saving work. Salvation in Christ is not merely an idea or a sentiment floating in the air. It is an action which he accomplished once and for all, at a particular place and time. And through the liturgy, this one saving sacrifice is made present throughout the world and throughout history. And Jesus continues to invite us to take an active part in this mystery of our salvation.
Our sharing in his Paschal Mystery is not limited to our celebrations in church. Transformed and strengthened by the sacraments, we are called to “prepare the place” in our homes, our lives, in every corner of the world. Jesus eagerly desires to celebrate the Passover with us (Luke 22:15) not only at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, but in every aspect of our lives. As he gives himself completely to us and for us, he calls us to give ourselves in return. You yourself are the most valuable – and irreplaceable – gift you can offer to the Lord. As we prepare to celebrate “the Passover” – the Paschal Mystery of our salvation in Christ – during the coming days of Holy Week, may we also prepare a place in our hearts and lives.
Jesus invites you to take an active part in his one saving sacrifice. Ask him where and how he wants you to prepare. And like those first disciples, do not be afraid to go and do what he asks you.
This Friday from 4-8 pm and Saturday from 9-12 noon, every Catholic Church in the diocese will have a priest available for the sacrament of Confession. If you have not yet done so, come and let him prepare your heart by his mercy and grace. Bring a friend. Discover in Jesus the Friend (John 15:13-15) who lays down his life to give you life, and who eagerly desires to celebrate this Passover with you.
-Fr. Tom