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Sep 26th, 2021 Bulletin & News

By September 21, 2021No Comments

The 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Mark 9:38-48

Jesus goes on to say that every step of faith, no matter how small, will yield rewards. Even offering something as simple as a cup of water to someone, because they belong to Christ, will be rewarded. Jesus calls us to examine our actions. He wants us to look closely at whether we live up to what we proclaim to be – Christians. He also calls us to examine what part of us is causing us to stumble and fall into sin, and to then detach from that part of our lives.

So, for instance, I might recognize that pride is a source of sin in my life. Perhaps pride causes me to think highly of myself and put down others. Pride may cause me to be overly competitive and want to win at any cost. It can cause me to point out the faults in others in an effort to make myself look better. To detach myself from pride I can begin practicing humility. I can humble myself by giving others an opportunity to lead, and by serving others. Prayer to the Blessed Mother, the model of humility, can help me detach from feelings of pride that are out of control.

Feelings of fear, anger, envy or jealousy can be perfectly normal and healthy, but they can become obstacles that lead us to sin when they are out of control. Sometimes even our friends can lead us to sin. Does this describe anyone in my life? Is there something or someone in my life that is a source of sin for me? What is something I can do to “cut off” the control that this person, situation or feelings have on my actions?

After writing in your journal, take a moment to be silent, thinking about what you have written. Pray silently to yourself:

Thank you Father for the gift of Your Word. With the help of your Spirit, help me to hear Your voice in Scripture, and to let it enter my head and my heart. Give me the strength to be transformed by Your Holy Word, and to live my life according to Your will. Amen.

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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