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Feb 6th, 2022 Bulletin & News

By February 1, 2022No Comments

The 5th Sunday: Luke 5:1-11

It’s a very homely scene to picture Jesus sitting in the boat and talking to the people. They must have been very taken by his words and message, and felt at ease listening to him. The second half of today’s Gospel tells us how Peter was overcome when seeing what Jesus had done and felt anything but at ease. Yet Jesus does not see the way Peter does and tells him be at ease with me – all is well, from now on I have a new task for you, you will be catching people.

‘Put out into the deep water and let your nets down for a catch’. This was the motto Saint John Paul II chose for the Church in the third millenium.

‘Do not be afraid: from now on you will be catching people’. Peter is given his mission when he realizes his sinfulness: this insight actually makes him a better apostle, for he can understand better those he is sent to, he knows he shares their need for mercy and salvation. ‘They left everything and followed him’.

Peter recognized who Jesus was and realized that being close to Jesus would make demands on him. Jesus recognized who Peter was and saw that Peter had the capacity to respond to what he might ask of him. Jesus invited Peter to use his practiced skill in a new way, for the good of the gospel.

God uses the ordinary experiences of life to draw people to him. Simon the fisherman, called by Jesus to go beyond his comfort zone, puts the boat of his life out into deep waters. His faith and trust is rewarded abundantly. From that moment forward his entire life is hooked on Jesus. Peter knew his unworthiness; to follow Jesus closely seemed too much to ask. He forgot that his discipleship was not his own idea – it was Jesus who called him as friend. Peter invited Jesus into one of his most precious and important possessions – his boat. This was the means of his livelihood and gave him status among the others. Peter also allowed Jesus tell him where to fish, handing over control of this boat and his own life to Jesus. In prayer we invite Jesus into the most personal and important places of our lives. We also allow him take possession of us, giving all that we can to him. From Peter’s boat, he spoke to the crowds; from our lives he speaks to people today.

Nowhere else in the Gospels is a confession of one’s sinfulness the first reaction of someone who meets Jesus and is called to discipleship. When Levi, the tax collector, is called to discipleship he throws a party! Could it be that the story of the catch of fish (John 21:1-14) has been projected back by Mark into Jesus’ ministry, and that Peter’s awareness of his sinfulness arose from his having denied Jesus three times during the Passion?

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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