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BulletinsGospel ReflectionsLetters from Father

August 6th, 2023 Bulletin & News

By August 2, 2023No Comments

Did you know that your heart is always filled with some kind of wonder?

Wonder is so radical to the human heart. I think it’s one of the things that we love most about children. They are quick to laugh, to cry, and their hearts are unfiltered. Think back to the first time you saw a Christmas tree, the “wonder” that filled you at the sight of those decorated branches. Or when you look at infants, they stare at their hands and feet, and they try to stuff their little feet into their mouths; their lives are a continuous adventure of wonder.

I recently pondered this aspect of childhood. In the midst of my busy adult life, I found myself asking God, “Where did that wonder go?” Childlike wonder, seen through a Catholic lens, is a gift from God that invites us to approach the mysteries of faith with a heart of innocence and awe. As children of God, we are called to emulate the simplicity and trust displayed by little ones, who embrace the teachings of Christ with open minds and hearts.

Children possess unwavering trust in their parents, relying on them for guidance, support, and love. Similarly, in our spiritual journey, we are called to trust in our Heavenly Father, surrendering ourselves to His divine will. Trusting God as a child trusts their parents leads us to experience the peace and serenity that comes from resting in His care.

Childlike wonder calls us to see the world with fresh eyes, to marvel at God’s creation, and to recognize His presence in the ordinary. It reminds us that each day is a gift, and each person we encounter is a reflection of God’s image. It challenges us to embrace the virtues of humility, trust, joy, and forgiveness and to live our lives with a sense of wonder and gratitude for the countless blessings God bestows upon us.

By cultivating childlike wonder within ourselves, we draw closer to God and experience the richness of our Catholic faith. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14).

Embracing childlike wonder enables us to enter more fully into the Kingdom of God, where we can truly encounter Him with the heart of a child. Don’t lose that wonder!

-Br. Jorge Sanchez, OMV

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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