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June 26th, 2022 Bulletin & News

By June 22, 2022No Comments

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Luke 9:51-62

This passage contains some very harsh statements. Jesus’ response to the first would-be follower is that – before deciding to follow Jesus – he should first count the cost. The closing sentence is even harder, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’

This is a Jesus who leaves no room for compromise. Not only must we follow Jesus, whatever the cost, but we must do it immediately and wholeheartedly.

Jesus did not exclude anyone. What might this mean for me in my life? Might there be anything or anyone which is holding me back from letting God be first and in charge of my life? ‘I will follow you’. Is that where I am? Is that even my desire? Talk with Jesus about this. What has been the ‘cost of discipleship’ for me? What has been the richness and gift of discipleship for me?

The temptation to use violence motivated by religion was present even within the small circle of the apostles. Jesus rebukes them, and insists that the struggle must take place rather within our hearts: am I really ready to follow him whatever the cost? The enthusiasm of the convert is not enough, for the stakes are high, and I really need to deny myself, and carry my cross every day. It is only by looking at my deeds that I discover how near or far I am from being Jesus’ disciple. I look at the quality of my commitments and ask for the grace not to look back as I place my hand on the plough.

Jesus asks for commitment – real commitment. The time for it is now. On our own road today we must proclaim the Kingdom of God. If we keep waiting for the right moment, the sands of time will run quickly through our fingers. Browning wrote: Earth is full of Heaven, And every common bush is alive with God. Seeing the world from this perspective I daily try to serve the Lord.

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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