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Mar. 7th, 2021 Bulletin & News

By March 4, 2021No Comments

The 3rd Sunday of Lent Jn 4:5-42

In the story of the woman at the well, Jesus symbolized the Spirit as a free-flowing artesian spring. The Church carries that rich symbol into waters of baptism.

Images of water in the Old Testament represent God’s gift of life and his guidance. When God breathed his Spirit over the water in Genesis 1, God empowered water to give life and provide abundance. God saved Noah and his family through the destructive waters of a flood. He led his people through the waters of the Red Sea. He guided the chosen across the water of the Jordan River to the Promised Land.

Closely connected to the activity of the Spirit, images of water in the New Testament represent cleansing and God’s gift of new life. As water and blood flowed from the side of Christ on the cross, that same water and blood washed one clean through the Spirit (see John 19:33-34). Like the waters of gestation in a mother’s womb, the Spirit gives new life; “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body… and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.” [1 Corinthians 12:13]

How does water remind you of God’s life-giving Spirit?

One small conversation became a moment of revelation and salvation. A few chosen words overcame social prejudice and bridged God to a lost soul. Our moments of small conversation can connect others to God only if we allow God to speak through us.

How can you get out of God’s way and allow his Spirit to speak through you in your everyday affairs?

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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