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August 11, 2024 Bulletin & New

By August 7, 2024No Comments

“Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you.”

(1 Kings 19:7)

This is our third week hearing from the “Bread of Life” discourse of Jesus in John, chapter 6. We began with the multiplication of the loaves and fish, then heard of the bread from heaven – manna in the desert, and the true Bread from heaven, which is Jesus himself. Today we hear of Elijah, a bold and faithful prophet of the Lord.

But after doing mighty deeds in God’s name, he is now running for his life. Elijah is so weary that he lays down in the desert and prays for death. Yet God is not done with Elijah, nor done providing the nourishment and strength he needs to continue on his way. God provided bread for Elijah in the desert. “He got up, ate, and drank; then strengthened by that food, he walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb.” 1 Kings 19:8

We can also get weary in our pilgrimage of faith, although we have seen and done amazing things in God’s name. An Olympic athlete described the thrill of winning a gold medal, and the challenge of waking up the next day. Yesterday’s gold medal cannot give meaning and strength to my life today. I need bread today to give me life.

This week we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. In a unique way, she already shares body and soul in the Resurrection of her Son. We, too, are destined to share in his glory – body and soul – in the resurrection on the last day.

Mary’s journey of faith was long and challenging. On the Cross, Jesus entrusted her to John’s care. “Woman, behold your son – Behold your Mother.” (John 26-27). John was not a replacement for Jesus. Mary did not live on memories of the past. She lived by faith in her Son, crucified and Risen – as every disciple does.

We can imagine Mary, after the Ascension of her Son, receiving the Eucharist from the hand of John. She, too, needed daily bread for her earthly journey. Why would Jesus’ promise to us not apply to Mary, as well? How tenderly and lovingly would she receive and cherish the very Body and Blood of her Son which she bore in her womb and cradled in her arms. How marvelously his promise to us all is seen fulfilled already in her, whose faith is a model for ours, whose prayers continue to encourage us on our way.

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” (John 6:51).

-Fr. Tom

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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