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BulletinsLetters from Father

Dec 11th, 2022 Bulletin & News

By December 8, 2022No Comments

Rejoice in the Lord always!

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:4-5)

The third Sunday in Advent is traditionally called Gaudete (“Be joyful!”) Sunday, which comes from the entrance chant in the Roman Missal from Philippians 4. It is echoed in the opening prayer, when we ask God for all awaiting the feast of the Lord’s Nativity “to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing.” Joy comes from love; we love something because we are drawn to its good, and this attraction gives joy. Even though the celebration of Christmas isn’t here yet, we can already rejoice in our desire for Jesus, the cause of our joy.

The second reading this Sunday (James 5:7-10) is about waiting patiently for the coming of the Lord, and admonishes us, “Do not complain about one another” (or “grumble against one another,” Jas. 5:9). Many people find this time of year stressful, and if you feel tempted to grumble against someone who isn’t helping around the house, or doesn’t carry the burden of caring for children or the elderly, or has enviable possessions, or gets a gift you wanted … consider how you might be able to share the joy of waiting for the Lord whom you love with that person.

If you are busy with preparations for school events, parties, or guests, think about how even this can help you to share the joy of the Lord’s coming. If you are burdened with work, think about how your work can be offered as a gift to glorify God; if you are feeling lonely, remember that the Lord is with you and loves you; if you are impatient, remember how the good God gives us time to prepare to meet him; if you are tired, remember the trials that Mary endured to bring Jesus into the world; if you are unable to celebrate lavishly, remember the simple stable in which our God revealed himself to us; if you are burdened with the cares of the world, remember that the Lord desires you to have rest in him; if you are seeking the perfect gift for someone, remember that God gives himself to us to share with one another. And if you are not yet experiencing joy, think about Jesus who desires to share his joy with you.

-Fr. Nate


San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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