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December 1, 2024 Bulletin & News

By November 29, 2024No Comments

“God With Us”

(And Yes, It’s a Bit Inconvenient)

If you’ve ever scrolled through YouTube, you’ve probably encountered influencers trying to grab your attention with over-the-top headlines: “You WON’T Believe What Happens Next!” or “This CHANGED My Life Forever!” Their strategy is simple: hook you with something unexpected and keep you watching. It’s clever marketing, but it also reminds me of Advent.

Why? It’s because Advent is, in many ways, God’s ultimate “You won’t believe what happens next” moment. The coming of Christ was not what people expected. It was not a grand, flashy, or convenient event. Instead, it was a profound disruption: God entered humanity as a baby inside a stable, rearranging lives as He turned the world upside down.

Like setting up a Christmas tree or decorating your home, welcoming Christ is inconvenient. Think about it: the Christmas tree takes over your living room, requires rearranging furniture, and demands time and effort. But once it’s up, the tree becomes the family’s central and joyful focus. The Christmas tree beautifully illustrates the mystery of the incarnation: something from the outside is brought inside, transformed, and adorned with light and beauty.

The same is true of Jesus. He doesn’t enter our lives to leave things as they are. He came to rearrange the “furniture” of our hearts, challenging our habits, attitudes, and priorities. Christianity isn’t easy—it’s about letting Jesus disrupt our natural tendencies and lead us toward a life that reflects His love and goodness. Yet, in this disruption, we find our most authentic selves and see that the actual “center” of our lives should have been Jesus all along. This results in a life full of goodness, beauty, and peace because our hearts are now re-centered for God, who is beauty, goodness, and peace Himself, transforming us in ways we never thought possible.

We are called to be Christ’s presence in the world, bringing light where there is darkness, order where there is chaos, and healing where there is pain. Just as Jesus entered the chaos of humanity to bring redemption, we are invited to be agents of His peace, joy, and hope, sharing this with a world longing for transformation.

Remember those influencers trying to grab your attention? Their headlines promise life-changing moments, but how often do they deliver? Advent, however, does deliver. The “headline” of Christ’s coming—“God With Us”—isn’t just clickbait. It’s a truth that transforms our lives and gives us a purpose no algorithm could ever provide.

So, as you welcome the holy inconvenience of this season, let Christ rearrange the furniture of your heart. Let His loving presence be the headline of your life. And let us share in the mission Jesus has for all of us: to bring peace, joy, and hope to a world longing to believe that something truly life-changing is still possible.

-Br. Miggo

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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