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July 14, 2024 Bulletin & News

By July 17, 2024No Comments

Jesus…sent them out two by two. Mark 6:7

Jesus sent out the Twelve, two by two, and gave them authority. They had nothing but his word, with all its power to touch hearts and stir them to repentance. Their touch brought his healing to broken lives.Today, our need for repentance and healing is just as great as it was when Jesus first sent his disciples on mission. And Jesus continues to reach out with his saving power and healing touch through the Sacraments and through us, whom he sends in his name and with his power.

That saving and healing mission of Jesus is an important context for the Church’s efforts to oppose Amendment 4 which will be on the ballot here in Florida this November. All of the Florida bishops are speaking and working together to oppose this initiative, which would effectively remove any regulation on abortion in our state. They have provided resources to help us all share in this mission of truth and healing.

Every woman who is faced with the prospect of abortion is in a difficult and challenging place, and deserves our prayers and support, which must accompany our witness to the truth. Jesus didn’t send his disciples to stand at a distance and look at people in their need and judge them. He sent them into their towns and homes with his saving word and healing touch.

They were not always accepted where they went, but they did not change the truth of the word they had received, and they did not refuse to bring Christ’s healing to anyone who was open to receive it.
How is the Lord inviting, equipping and sending you to be a witness and instrument of his saving and healing will today? Here are some practical suggestions relating to this present issue:

  • Be Informed – read and watch the messages from the Florida Catholic Bishops in the links below.
  • Be Prepared – practice talking about what you learn, first with a trusted friend. Jesus sent the disciples two by two. Maybe they helped one other learn how to speak the message in a simple and compelling way.
  • Be Confident – you don’t need to convince someone of a position, but you can plant a seed or question in someone’s mind, and point them to resources or help to follow up for themselves.
  • Pray – the beginning, middle and end of our Christian mission is to live in communion with Christ. Apart from him, our words and actions are empty and fruitless. But with him, they will endure and bear abundant fruit in our lives and the lives of those to whom he sends us.

Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops

Vote No On 4 Florida resources

Help for Mothers

San Pedro Comms

Author San Pedro Comms

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