Congratulations to our Graduates!
Today we honor and pray for our young men and women graduating from high school. And we offer a special congratulations to Fredie Burrow, who was awarded with the 2024 Holy Name Society Scholarship.
To you, our graduates, know that our prayers go with you, and that San Pedro is always a home for you, no matter your path in life leads you.
As Jesus formed the disciples and sent them into the world to proclaim the Gospel, you have also been formed in faith and knowledge here in our parish family. Now as you go forward to the next phase of your life, bring with you all you have received and offer to the world the gifts you have received from God.
May you always find the presence of the Lord who is “always with us” in the Sacraments, especially at Sunday Mass – in the parish and campus ministry where you will find a new family of faith.
Congratulations, and God bless you!
-Fr. Tom, Fr. Nathan, and the whole San Pedro parish family
We would like to recognize:
- Freddie Burrow
- Allison Schapley
- Colin Baird
- Noah Jack Brainard
- Brielle Carty
- CJ Kemble
- Abigail Ramirez